Sponsor a Woman of Substance


Women of Substance offers three different options for individuals, organisations or businesses that want to help support others in their development journey.

If you would like to donate a place in a program but don’t have a specific woman or organisation in mind let us know… we have a list of women and organisations keen to be part of Emerge.

Sponsor a Woman of Substance!

The Next Emerge Program starts February 2023

Sponsor A Place Now for 2023 Programs









The Three Secret Keys to Success

Whether you are looking to climb the corporate ladder, get a Board or committee position, or stand out in an overcrowded market, there are three keys to success.

These three secret keys are the ones we have used to create our own success stories AND to help women to break through glass ceilings and achieve more than they imagined was possible.

$30,000 payrise

Board positions

Six figure client contracts


Those are the tangible markers of our clients' successes, but what really matters is they are finally:

fulfilled, empowered, recognised, respected, confident.

They have become Women of Substance


The Three Secret Keys


In our own experience, and through coaching and mentoring other successful women, we have found that one of the things women don't do well is to articulate their VALUE. We hold back, not putting ourselves forward for opportunities until we feel 110% qualified. When asked to describe our leadership style in interviews or for applications, we often struggle. You are not alone. Using Ros' science based Women's Leader Archetypes model and assessment, you will discover the true articulation of your value as a powerful female leader.


It is sadly not enough to let your work speak for itself. To be a successful female leader in a man's world, to be seen and noticed, to be in the running for the big opportunities, you need VISIBILITY and influence. You need to be front of mind when those jobs and board positions become vacant, or when that business opportunity comes around. The only way to be the one that everyone thinks of, is to have a strategic profile, and be highly influential.


We are calling it! Traditional networking is dead! Gone are the days when you could show up to drinks occasionally, drop a few business cards, and then sit back and wait for the phone to ring. Business success in the modern world needs real and genuine CONNECTIONS. Its ironic that we are more connected than ever, but it is becoming more and more superficial. As the world becomes overwhelmed with the quantity of connections, quality is now the real key.

Women of Substance - Emerge

The Women of Substance - Emerge program is for ambitious women who "want what she's having". Over 8 weeks online, and a "Success Summit" we will work together as a group of committed women leaders to create the influence participants want and DESERVE.

Vicki's Story

Vicki is one of Ros' long term coaching clients. Over the time we have worked together, we have focussed on honing these 3 secret keys to success. Vicki was actually the very first client to take the Women's Leader Archetypes Assessment and she said "this is the first time I have had the words to perfectly describe who I am as a leader, and the value I add to the business". With my support, Vicki built her visibility fast, with opinion pieces in the local papers, articles and radio. Her network mapping was the basis for her creating new connections, and this led to Vicki achieving not only a high profile, but finally the committee appointments she was seeking. And she got a new job too! 

Hereā€™s whatā€™s included in Women of Substance - Emerge

6 weeks of online learning

8 x weekly group coaching calls

One on one laser coaching as required

2 implementation weeks

Success Summit (delivered over 4x half day Zoom sessions)

A guest faculty of high powered women business leaders

Ongoing membership of our Alumni with regular events and networking 

In order to give every participant a deeply personal learning experience the Emerge program is limited to 12 participants in each intake.

YES! I'd Love to Sponsor a Woman of Substance!

Alison Haertel's Emerge Story

Alison is the powerhouse founder of Pheonix2Warrior. Alison gives her perpective of Emerge.


"It has been a very enriching journey of self-reflection, personal and professional growth. I have had the opportunity to listen and talk to some very incredible women throughout this program and have had many take-away/light bulb moments which will support my growth and development. This course has supported me to step back and look at the bigger picture and Iā€™m excited at the possibilities. I simply just want to say thank you I have truly valued this experience. "

Anita Leighton
Service Area Manager, Baptcare

"The Emerge Program gave me a boost in confidence when I needed it most. To make bold decisions, to trust in my judgement and to question and assess my natural management styles and how it could shape my personal brand. There was great vulnerability in the group as we got to know each other better, ask questions of ourselves and share parts of us that weā€™d like to improve. The group gave me a real sense of camaraderie when I felt quite isolated as a manager within my own organisation. The friendships created and the guidance received will stay with me for a very long time. A great program for those who are just starting out in professional roles, or those who are experienced and would like to re-connect with themselves and what drives and motivates them to succeed. Thank you Susan and Ros!"

Verity Davis
Social Enterprise Manager, Hobart City Mission

"A brilliant program...emergence is exactly the outcome I've experienced. Congratulations on a fantastic offering and being part of it has changed my world."

Jess Tyler

"Iā€™ve met Ros previously, and looked at engaging her for some coaching, which was also one of the reasons I enrolled in Emerge, because I thought it enabled me to get that coaching, but in a group environment, but then also I know Susanā€™s background and I thought that would be a good addition to it. The quality and the content and the two skillsets really complemented and brought different aspects to it. Rosā€™s coaching experience really came through, and Susanā€™s work and life experiences were there as well ā€“ it created balance I think. We had COVID, a new job, I moved houseā€¦ it made me focus on me at a time where it would have been easy not to. I think it did give me back some confidence within me, from a personal and a work perspective. It also made me assess my prioritiesā€¦ I just thought, at the moment I just need to stay on a certain course and on that track and see it through. And the other things are actually distractions at the moment. So there was lots of that, where it kept pulling me back to where I am right now and sticking with it. I thought that bringing in the different personalities and experiences of the guest speakers made it a much more dynamic experience, and made it feel more connected. I would recommend the program, yes! This is for people who are midway through their career - management roles or higher. Getting that confidence and connections around ā€˜Where to from here?ā€™ ā€“ transitioning into the next step of your career. I went in with no expectations and came out having thoroughly enjoyed it. There was a lot in it. "

Anita Dahlenburg
SME Business Enabler

Jess Tyler's Emerge Story

Jess Tyler finished Emerge with a new job that is a perfect fit for her values and passions. Listen to Jess' Emerge story.


Our Commitment

Both Susan and Ros are deeply committed to ensuring all women have an opportunity to advance. 

For every intake in the Emerge program, we will be gifting 2 scholarships to women who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend. 

BUT... There are always many more scholarship applications than we can accept. Worthy women who, for various reasons, can't fund their participation in Emerge. This is where you come in....

Your Options for Supporting Women in Leadership to Achieve Their True Potential

1 - Make a Difference for One - $4000 (ex GST)

Purchase a place in a Women of Substance – Emerge program and donate it to someone you want to support or to a community organisation with a great woman working in it.

In this package you get:

  • A place in an Emerge program for a woman of your choice*;
  • your logo displayed on our website as a place sponsor;
  • we will mention you in our circulars;
  • acknowledgement on social media as a place sponsor.

    *Subject to nominated person being aligned with the values and objectives of Women of Substance and its creators.


Your Options for Supporting Women in Leadership to Achieve Their True Potential

2 - Champion Two and Get One Free! - $8000 (ex GST)

Purchase two places in the same cohort and get one free!

This package is great value… but it gets better because you have options!

For the price of two places you can:

  • put two of your team through Emerge and reap the benefits; and
  • donate a place to an organisation, cause or person you believe in;
  • OR, you could donate two places... or all three.

And.. we will give you all the extra goodies under option 1 that come with sponsoring a place!


Your Options for Supporting Women in Leadership to Achieve Their True Potential

3 - Create a Collective Impact - $40,000 (ex GST)

Pay for a full cohort of 10 women to complete the Emerge program.

In this package you get:

  • naming rights to the cohort;
  • your logo displayed on our website;
  • mention of sponsorship in all circulars;
  • articles on social media talking about you or your business as a cohort sponsor;
  • your materials or merchandise distributed to participants;
  • you can provide a graduation speaker to the cohort*

    *Subject to nominated person being aligned with the values and objectives of Women of Substance and its creators.


Our thanks to our Emerge sponsors! Their support has given places to women in regional and rural areas, and in "for purpose" organisations.

Women of Substance - Emerge

Frequently Asked Questions:

The Emerge Program is for women who want to increase their influence and position themselves for career progression. Although we will be talking about Boards and Senior Management positions, the same strategies work for middle management as well.

Of course! You can contact Ros on 0417572770, or email [email protected] 

Susan is on 0418434226 and [email protected]

We would love to speak to you about your questions and options.

Yes, please talk to us about installments. You will need to have made the bulk of the payments before the program starts (and we do need to add a % to the total to cover our admin and payment processing costs).

If you have someone in mind who would be a great fit, that's great. 

If you don't know anyone, we have a waitlist of women wanting sponsorships. We can allocate one, or review the applications with you and you can choose.

Of course! You can visit the Emerge page here. You can also contact [email protected] or [email protected] 

Emerge is delivered virtually with the self-paced learning content available via browser or an app. The group coaching calls and the 4x half-day Success Summit are delivered on Zoom. Travel is not required, and participants can learn from their office or home.

Every intake of Emerge we offer fully funded and partially funded scholarships. These are hotly contested. To apply, email [email protected] with an outline of your professional experience, what you believe Emerge will give you, and whether you are applying for a fully funded or partially funded scholarship. For partial funding, please indicate how much you are able to contribute towards the program fee.  

Sponsor A Woman of Substance Now!

All you need to do is email [email protected] with your preferred option. We will arrange invoicing and your sponsorship agreement. 


Women of Substance - Emerge is created in partnership by:


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